By Jessy Chris A. Santos
To welcome the students and the new Academic Year 2024-2025, Capiz State University (CapSU) - Main Campus formally joins the Pagsugata 2024 on Monday, August 5.
The event started by welcoming the students at the front gate with various colorful mascots from the different accredited student organizations of the campus and the flag-raising ceremony. It is then followed with the 'Panata sa Bagong Pilipinas', led by Dr. Jay Lord B. Asis, SSC Adviser.
The event then continued with Dr. Eimee D. Potato, OSA Chairperson stating the CapSU Vision, Mission, and Goals, 'Quality Policy' by Dr. Miraluna T. Sabid, and 'Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno' that was stated by Myleen C. Abelarde, Supervising Administrative Officer/HRMO.
"I welcome you all to a new chapter in the annals of our University", greeted Dr. Editha C. Alfon, SUC President III as she welcomed everyone to the new academic year in her university president's address.
Pagsugata is an annual ceremony of the university to welcome the students, especially the freshmen who will take their first day as students of the CapSU Main Campus. It is also a celebration to befittingly start the new academic year. This ceremony was participated by the CapSU Main's students, faculties, and the accredited student organizations of the said campus.